Meet Braden!

A kinder person you will not meet! Braden is an energetic, friendly and considerate person who possesses the ambition to do great things! He currently goes to Mayo High School where he will graduate in next month! I asked him a few questions for this blog and you will find his answers below. I am sure you will find his plans for post high school to be very exciting!

What activities are you involved in at Mayo High School?

I am involved on the Mayo high school boys swim team


What are your plans for post high school?

My plan is to go to University of Mankato state, I am planning on becoming an airline pilot and a skydiving instructor.

What is one fashion tip that is easy to implement?

Making sure that your clothes are always clean looking. You don’t want to have your clothes looking wrinkled all the time. People notice if your clothing is quite wrinkled. So making sure they are properly folded. That will make sure that you’re good and presentable in all situations.


Did this photo shoot effectively capture who you are at this important moment in your life?

I believe that it did because I am really into old band music, specifically rock music at this era of time.

What was your favorite part of the photo shoot?

Honestly, some of the laughs that there were during the photo shoot. There were some points in the photo shoot where it’s hard to keep a smile. But laughing really brought back some of the life into my eyes and made me smile. And I love the look of a natural smile from laughter.