"Shining Bright: Meet the High School Senior Who Shows the Power of Positivity and a Love for Theatre"

Meet Jace! Class of 2023

When I read what Jace wrote in response to the question,"Tell me about yourself", I knew I had to meet her! She said, "I love painting, pastels, theatre, reading, Disney, and anything sparkly. I’ve been described as colorful and “the human version of sunshine.” I had to meet the human version of sunshine! And I am so glad I did! Jace was kind enough to answer a few questions about herself and her senior photo session. I know you will enjoy getting to know Jace because she truly IS the human version of sunshine!!!

Did this photo shoot effectively capture who you are as a senior?

I really think it did! Everyone I show my pictures to tells me "You can tell these are Jace pictures." From the colors to the props, my senior pictures are very much me!

What advice do you have for Seniors when it comes to senior photos?

My advice for Seniors is have fun! If you're not having fun, it will show in pictures! Be prepared! Make sure you have all your props, outfits, and locations ready and decided. Kathleen was really awesome helping me decide on mine. Do it all! Do all the poses, do all the suggestions, do all the things even it sounds silly!

Mood Board

When I received this mood board, from Jace, I was thrilled! I knew exactly what Jace was going for. Of course we had a nice consultation by phone to be sure we were on the same page.

What was your favorite part of the photo shoot?

My favorite part of the photoshoot was when we were in the field, and we couldn't find a place to put my crown, so my friend Grace ended up wearing it. It was really funny, and it made me even more comfortable having someone there with me. 

What surprised you about the experience?

How fast it goes! You'll be having the time of your life and you look at the clock! They really mean "Time flies when you're having fun!"

If you knew someone was nervous about their senior photos, what advice would you give them?

Having your picture taken can be really nerve wracking but Kathleen is there to make you look incredible! It also really helps to have a friend there to be your hype person! 

Do you think this photo shoot captured your dreams for the future? Explain...

I think it did. All of the colors showed that I want to be a colorful person as I go off on my own. Every picture shows a part of my personality that I want to bring into the world!

Is there anything you would do differently for senior photos if you had the chance?

I would have tried to get more nature shots. I love the colors in my pictures, but it would have been awesome to have some greenery!

What were your favorite images from the session?


Theatre has been a big part of my whole life. I started when I was 8 and I haven't stopped. I absolutely love the feeling on stage and performing so I knew I had to take pictures in my high school's auditorium. Panther Playhouse has become my safe space and I've made some of the best friends there. It's an experience I'll never forget. 

Pearl Painting

I made this painting in a class at Art Heads Emporium with Willow Gentile in Downtown Rochester. I painted my cat Pearl, who I had since kindergarten. Pearl passed away last year, and she was originally supposed to be in my senior pictures with me so I knew I had to make her part of them anyway I could. Art has always been a big part of my life and it helped me decide I wanted to pursue Graphic Design in college.

Disco Ball

Taylor Swift said "We have mirror balls in the middle of the dance floor because they reflect light. They are broken a million times and that's what makes them so shiny. We have people in society like that too, they hang there and every time they break it entertains us. And when you shine a light on them, it's this glittery fantastic thing, but then a lot of the time when the spotlight isn't on them, they're just still there up on a pedestal but no one is watching them. " Life can be really hard, but when you're in your element you just shine, and I think that's a beautiful sentiment. To me, having my disco ball in pictures meant that I could be proud of being shiny. 

Book Mural

Books allowed me to travel to a million different worlds when I was little. I love reading and the Rochester Public Library has been so special to me growing up. My mom suggested taking pictures in front of the mural by the book drop off and I knew instantly she was right. However, I don't even want to think about all the late fees I've racked up through the years.

When you dress up to go out, what are your "go to" fashion pieces in your closet?

Anything pink, light wash mom jeans, and my necklace engraved with a picture of my cat who passed away last year! 

How do you describe your personal style?

Definitely Elle Woods inspired. I love her style because she dresses very feminine and very colorful but she's still very strong and smart. I love adding little pops of pink and sparkle to my outfits because it makes me feel confident and proud.

What is a fashion rule you never break?

Definitely a loose shirt with a maxi/loose skirt. 

What is one fashion tip that is easy to implement?

Find good basics. A staple pair of jeans and simple t-shirts can make the best outfits in seconds.

Favorite quote?

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you have to put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton

I love this quote because it reminds me even if I'm going through something hard, getting past will show something beautiful.

Anything else we should know?

One thing Jace hasn't mentioned, (but I will), is that she has started her own photography business called, Bee and Bug Photography. She specializes in portrait & theatre photography. Check her out and give her a follow! Thanks Jace for a lovely session!